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Manga at a Crossroads: Development and Globalization of Manga

April 4, 2015
All Day
220 Sullivant Hall

Event Host: Various

This is the second symposium on Manga at a Crossroads. The first symposium focused on classic manga. The second symposium is dedicated to diversification and globalization of manga. The speakers are Masami Toku (California State University, Chico), Jennifer Prough (Varparaiso University), Casey Brienza (City University of London, Ohio State visiting scholar), and Kerim Yasar (Ohio State). Toku and Prough will focus on girls’ manga and probe its development by looking at the relationship between producers and consumers. Brienza and Yasar address globalization of manga by looking at the social organization and transnational influence of the manga industries.

For a full schedule of the symposium, click here.

The second symposium is held concurrently with the exhibit that Toku brings to Ohio State, World of Shojo Manga: Mirrors of Girls’ Desires!

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