ASC Outstanding Staff Awards Announced

April 17, 2013

ASC Outstanding Staff Awards Announced

Six arts and sciences staff were recognized with an ASC Outstanding Staff Award at the 2013 College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Staff Award Luncheon hosted by the arts and sciences Staff Advisory Council on April 9.

They are:

David Alden, manager of systems administration, Department of Mathematics

Melinda Miracle Bogarty, administrative associate, Department of African American and African Studies

Joan Leonard, program manager, arts and sciences plant growth facilities, Department of Molecular Genetics

Eric Mayer, administrative coordinator and production manager, Department of Theatre

Elizabeth Miller, calculus and learning technology specialist, Department of Mathematics

Pablo Tanguay, undergraduate advisor, Department of English/ASC

Outstanding Staff Nominees:

Lexie Beer, program coordinator, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Diana DeVol Bevilacqua, academic program coordinator, Department of Mathematics

Jose Diaz, research assistant, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology

Wayne G. Lovely, fiscal officer and administrative associate, Department of Classics

Lauren Potts, HR associate and assistant to the chair, Department of English/ASC

Kathryn (Katie) Reed, administrative associate, School of Music

Brian K. Smith, senior systems manager, Department of Statistics

Matt Thompson, program coordinator, Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI)

Bernadette Vankeerbergen, program manager, ASC Curriculum and Assessment Services

TheASC Outstanding Staff Awards luncheon is a project of the College of Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council (SAC). The goal of the annual event is to recognize staff members in the arts and sciences (with three or more years of service in the arts and sciences completed prior to the application deadline) who have demonstrated sustained excellence in overall job performance and have improved or enhanced work life and services of faculty, staff, students, and/or the university. Special consideration is given to staff who have enhanced the visibility of the college through interdisciplinary connections and/or community service.

Nominations are submitted to the ASC SAC annually by February 15. For more information, go to

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