The bell hooks Effect

October 1, 2010

The bell hooks Effect

For the past three decades, bell hooks has received international recognition as a feminist, scholar, poet, speaker, and author. She has published more than thirty-five books that have a strong presence in both academia and popular culture, among them Ain't I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism; Where We Stand: Class Matters; We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity; and All About Love: New Visions.

This year, hooks is in residence at The Ohio State University as Visiting Distinguished Professor of Women’s Studies. Department of Women's Studies Chair, Jill Bystydzienski, continues to be amazed at the quality and quantity of work hooks has produced over the years," It’s a rare skill but she continually creates works that inform, inspire, and engage both academics and the lay public."

Nine years ago, Shannon Winnubst, Associate Professor of Women Studies, had the opportunity to work closely with hooks while teaching at Southwestern University in Texas. She is elated that her colleague will be coming to campus and sees this as an opportunity for the entire campus community.  "She has been a prominent name on the university scene for over thirty years. I feel like her visit is somewhat of a historical encounter that can help us to better gage our position on issues such as race and sexuality from the past, the present, and how it could look in the future, “Winnubst said.

hooks adopted the unconventional lower-casing of her name to distract attention from her identity and place the focus on her writings. She has spent her career constructing a sophisticated literary catalogue that examines the complexities of race, class, sexuality, and gender. As the Visiting Distinguished Professor of Women's Studies, hooks will be on campus for two weeks in autumn, October 18-29, 2010, and two weeks in May 2011.

On October 20, hooks will participate in a public conversation with Winnubst sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Women's Studies, Office of Minority Affairs, the Women’s Place, and the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. The event titled “Keeping It Real: The Practice of Diversity” will be at 4:30p.m. in 131 Hitchcock Hall. There will be a book signing afterwards, sponsored by Barnes and Noble.

Bystydzienski said, "bell hooks’ visit supports Arts and Sciences' commitment to interdisciplinary collaborations; diversity of coursework; awareness that issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality, are very much a part of our daily lives; and the idea that scholarly research combined with community dialogue can lead to an educational experience that is inclusive and far-reaching."