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By Z. Daniel Barnett

The first year of Creatives @ the Barnett is underway. At the heart of the program are the lessons that its six faculty and staff members have already begun to impart on the 12 student creatives…

By Z. Daniel Barnett

A dozen students from different artistic backgrounds will collaborate on interdisciplinary projects, over the course of the academic year, to spark dialogue on the many dimensions of homelessness…

By Z. Daniel Barnett

The Ohio State University has joined a coalition of colleges and universities offering their help in protecting scholars displaced by turmoil in their home countries.

When Elizabeth Weiser came to Newark to interview for a job at The Ohio State University’s regional campus, she was offered a tour of local neighborhoods and schools. She declined both…

This research center and Nationwide Children’s Hospital are working together to create virtual reality training that will help staff calm patients.

Professor of Creative Writing Kathy Fagan was on the phone with a pharmacy when she learned she’d won a Guggenheim Fellowship after publishing her newest book, Bad Hobby.

By day a deputy bailiff, this artist has made a name for herself sharing her hopes and views via her mixed-media works. 

Students and teachers in the Department of Theatre, Film and Media Arts will learn and work next to reminders of a strong legacy.