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Science Cafe: The Opioid Crisis

September 6, 2017
All Day
Research Commons (3rd Floor, 18th Avenue Library)

Time: 6:30 p.m.
Event Host: University Libraries
Short Description: Lane Wallace from the OSU College of Pharmacy will give a talk on how the culture of the American health care system led to the opioid crisis.

A major contributor to the opioid problem is the culture of American health care. The goal of minimizing chronic pain markedly increased opioid prescriptions over the last 20 years. A small fraction of people chronically using opioid drugs for medical reasons will develop an addiction. Several opioid drugs, including heroin, are available at a relatively cheap price outside of the normal pharmaceutical distribution system. People with addictions often switch to these drugs. The “War on Drugs” is not succeeding in its goal of lessening addiction. A new development in the arena of opioids and pain involves medical marijuana. Lessening the opioid problem will require a multi-faceted approach.

Speaker: Lane Wallace, OSU College of Pharmacy

Lane Wallace is an emeritus professor of pharmacology at The Ohio State University. He teaches courses on addiction neurobiology and has received the BSPS distinguished teaching award four times. Research activities include animal models of addiction and computer models of dopamine signaling elements in the brain. Educational training includes BA in chemistry and PhD degree in pharmacology, both from the University of Utah, and advanced research training at Washington University in St. Louis.

Food/Drink available in building via cafe and vending.

Information regarding parking in the area can be found here.

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