There are many resources to help you successfully transition to Ohio State, find your way around the campus, get involved, succeed in your classes, explore opportunities in and out of the classroom, address personal concerns and stay healthy. Selected resources are listed below with a sampling of their services.
Many students find the academic demands of a university to be very challenging. Resources to help you meet these demands include one-on-one tutoring, workshops designed to help you develop more effective study skills, and your advisor who can help you to select a balanced schedule of courses.
IT for Students
Key tips and resources
Academic Advisor
Help with course selection, graduation requirements and referrals to campus resources.
Course Instructor and Office Hours
Talk directly with your instructor and check out office hours whenever possible.
Group Study Rooms
Group study rooms are available at several library locations and may be reserved online.
Writing Assistance (CSTW)
Help writing research papers, lab reports, resumes and application materials.
Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center
Tutoring in math and statistics as well as practice exams. Mathematics tutoring is also available through the Younkin Success Center.
General Chemistry Learning Resource Center
Assistance with chemistry courses 1110, 1210, 1220, 1250 and 1610. Chemistry tutoring is also available through the Younkin Success Center.
French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese
Foreign language tutoring and conversation practice.
Economics Learning Center
Peer tutoring in economics courses 2001, 2002, 4001 and 4002 (and other courses as available).
Dennis Learning Center
Academic coaching, test taking, test anxiety, note-taking strategies, long- and short-term memory, procrastination and decision making.
Free as well as private, paid tutoring. Physics tutoring is also available through the Younkin Success Center.
Printers are available in various locations around campus. Follow Me Printing allows printing at select locations. The print job is released by swiping your BuckID.
Younkin Success Center
Tutoring, academic services, career services and wellness services.
The university offers a wide range of services to support and engage you as you transition to college and throughout your enrollment. This support includes numerous offices that coordinate services for a diverse student population.
Safe and Healthy Buckeyes - Navigating COVID-19 Together
Learn what Ohio State is doing and how you can help keep yourself, and your family and friends, safe and healthy.
Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS)
Comprehensive individual and group mental health services, psychoeducational prevention and outreach programming. Among other areas, their services address stress management, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, transitions in life, identity exploration, substance use, eating concerns, feeling overwhelmed and academic adjustment. CCS staff offer therapy in numerous languages.
Arts and Sciences Embedded Clinicians
Buckeye Food Alliance
Any Ohio State student with a valid BuckID can visit the pantry. They do not require proof of financial need.
Student Wellness Center
Resources support nine dimensions of wellness including: emotional, career, social spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, creative and environmental wellness.
Office of Student Life Disability Services
Register with ODS, accommodations and services.
Program for Advancing Scholarship and Service (PASS)
Selective first-year academic learning community for Arts and Sciences students who have a shared interest in the academic, cultural, career and community benefits of diversity.
Buckeye Opportunities for Leadership & Development (BOLD)
Provides a network of support and leadership development for first-generation students in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Center for Belonging and Social Change Programs and Resources
Works in partnership with students, campus partners and community stakeholders to cultivate an inclusive, empowering and equity-minded campus community through community building and support, education and empowerment, outreach and social change.
Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)
Initiatives in support of ODI Scholars and students from underrepresented groups focusing on retention, community building and academic success.
Child Care
Ohio State's child care program offers a variety of enrollment options. In addition, there is support for qualifying student parents through “Child Care Access Means Parents in School” Program.
First Generation Student Information
Advice and guidance to help navigate campus, ways to get involved and mentoring opportunities.
Veteran and Military Students
Resources to help make the transition and to get involved, as well as career counseling, counseling and support services for veterans.
International Student Information
Global Engagement nights, English Conversation Program (ECP) and academic and professional growth workshops.
Student-Athlete Support Services (SASSO)
Resources for student-athletes.
Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services
Events, resources, lockers, lounge, kitchen, study space and newsletter.
Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success
Explore career options, internships, strategic job search planning, mock interviews, and employment related resume and cover letter review.
Buckeye Careers
Career decision making, resume writing, networking, interviewing, how to conduct a job search, applying to graduate/professional school and graduate/professional school resume review.
Student Advocacy Center
Helps students navigate Ohio State’s structure and resolve issues that students may encounter at the university.
Student Legal Services
Advice, representation, education and resources for eligible students.
Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry (OUR&CI)
How to begin a research project, resources and funding.
Office of International Affairs (OIA)
Education abroad program information and assistance for international students.
The Office of Student Life offers a range of services to support student wellness. Counseling and Consultation Service provides counseling, workshops and resources to help students address a range of life concerns. The Wilce Student Health Center provides services related to student health. Recreational sports offers equipment and classes at a number of locations across campus.
Ohio State Wellness App
Designed to make it easy to choose the right resources and take action. Use this tool to set goals, develop healthy habits and help someone you care about access the support they need. Available for Android and iOS devices.
Safe and Healthy Buckeyes - Navigating COVID-19 Together
Learn what Ohio State is doing and how you can help keep yourself, and your family and friends, safe and healthy.
COVID-19 symptoms, testing, and treatment.
Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS)
Comprehensive individual and group mental health services, psychoeducational prevention and outreach programming. Among other areas, their services address stress management, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, transitions in life, identity exploration, substance use, eating concerns, feeling overwhelmed and academic adjustment. CCS staff offer therapy in numerous languages.
Arts and Sciences Embedded Clinicians
Student Wellness Center
Resources support nine dimensions of wellness including: emotional, career, social spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, creative and environmental wellness.
Psychological Services Center
Offers an Addiction Recovery Clinic, a Behavioral Medicine Clinic and a Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Clinic.
Provides a number of coaching, computer-mediated learning and group activity services to teach and research the efficacy of stress management and resiliency skills. Offers individual and group biofeedback, meditation training, a student relaxation group and a veterans relaxation group.
Wellness Education and Resources
As we work with students on a daily basis, we often become the first point of contact when a student is looking for support resources as it relates to their mental health. Educating ourselves on signs and symptoms of mild, moderate, or severe mental health struggles will help us to better understand and refer students to services on campus.
RUOK? Buckeyes
Suicide prevention program including an anonymous and confidential online stress and depression survey that is evaluated by a qualified university counselor.
Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention Title (IX)
Report an incident, confidential support, supporting someone and support resources related to sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic/dating violence, stalking, sex and gender-based discrimination, and pregnancy discrimination.
Student Health Services
Health care services, women’s services, men’s services, optometry services, dental services, nutrition therapy including eating disorder treatment, a full-service pharmacy and over-the-counter products among many other services.
Recreational Sports
Indoor and outdoor facilities offer fitness and wellness programs, as well as intramural sports.
Recreation and Physical Activity Center (RPAC)
Fitness, wellness, intramurals and sport clubs.
North Recreation Center (NRC)
Fitness equipment, basketball courts and sand volleyball courts.
Adventure Recreation Center (ARC)
Hardwood basketball courts, indoor turf fields, free weights, strength training machines and cardio equipment.
Outdoor Adventure Center (OAC)
Climbing Center, outdoor equipment rental, adventure trips and clinics.
Aquatic Center
Swimming, aquatic programs, lessons, recreation pools, a leisure spa and sauna area.
Whether you need assistance paying your fees, choosing a meal plan, connecting online or navigating the campus, there is always a resource to help you. Learn more about central offices, online resources, how to locate people and places, and important academic dates.
Provides assistance with financial aid, fee payment and registration issues.
Student accounts, tuition and fees, refunds, and tax information.
Tuition and Fees Payment
Pay tuition and fees, payment options, and enroll in direct deposit.
Arts and Sciences Departments
Department and major/minor/certificate information.
College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program
Enables well-prepared and motivated students to undertake and complete especially challenging curricular course work.
Honors and Scholars Center
Honors and scholars program information, Collegium and Undergraduate Fellowship Office.
Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success
Explore career options, internships, strategic job search planning, mock interviews, and employment related resume and cover letter review.
Buckeye Careers
Career decision making, resume writing, networking, interviewing, how to conduct a job search, applying to graduate/professional school, and graduate/professional school resume review.
Ohio State University Libraries
Library locations, hours and services.
Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry (OUR&CI)
How to begin a research project, resources and funding.
Office of International Affairs (OIA)
Education abroad program information and assistance for international students.
The Office of University Compliance and Integrity
Oversees compliance efforts across the university, including compliance in Research, the Medical Center, Athletics, Environmental Health and Safety, Information Security, Title IX, Clery Act reporting, Ohio Public Records law and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Housing and Residence Education
Residence halls and learning communities.
University Dining Services
Dining on campus and meal plans.
Parking permits, parking maps, policies and procedures.
Arts and Sciences Computer Standards – Guidelines for purchasing a computer, bandwidth recommendations, and temporary loaner devices.
IT for Students
Key tips and resources.
My Student Center login, register for classes, Carmen, course catalog, schedule of classes, class search, degree audit, account information and financial aid status.
Ohio State's student-only email service.
Ohio State's online learning management system.
IT Help and Support
Face-to-face technology consultation.
Digital Union
Help with digital content creation from documents and spreadsheets to recording, videos and 3D printing.
CarmenZoom is an audio and web conferencing resource that has a number of uses including online course meetings, guest speakers, office hours, and student group collaboration. In addition to attending meetings, students may also host a meeting.
Search Ohio State
Search the Ohio State website for department and program information. Find contact information for faculty, staff, and students.
Campus Map
Locate buildings by name or location.
Dates and Deadlines
Tuition and fee payment, enrollment deadlines and more.
Academic Calendar
Semester dates, final exam dates and university holidays.
Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success
All undergraduate students with an Arts and Sciences major can utilize the Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success, which assists students with obtaining internships and other opportunities for workplace learning and connecting with prospective employers.
Specific services include:
- Career prep advising, which is directed at helping students to obtain internships and other experiences to strengthen their resumes and guide their career exploration
- Resume and cover letter reviews
- Mock interviews
- Events directed at helping students to connect with employers
- Handshake, where students can view postings from employers who are specifically interested in recruiting Ohio State students and recent graduates
Buckeye Careers
Buckeye Careers is the Student Life office that provides career counseling to all Ohio State students. They provide services that help students with...
- Making career decisions, including how their career interests relate to Ohio State’s programs of study
- Learning how to present themselves to employers (e.g., resume writing, networking, interviewing skills)
- Understanding how to search for jobs
- Applying to graduate/professional schools
Students can receive assistance during walk-in hours, which are held on the second floor of the Younkin Success Center, or by scheduling an appointment. Call 614-688-3898 to schedule an appointment.
Services for Arts and Sciences graduate students
Multiple resources are available to support graduate students with their career development.
- Those seeking assistance with exploring careers outside of academia can use the Handshake to search for job opportunities as well as the Versatile PhD.
- Those seeking to learn more about faculty careers have access to the Preparing Future Faculty Program that is offered by the Graduate School. And, the Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning provides consultation to those seeking university teaching positions.
Services for Arts and Sciences alumni
Recent graduates (those who have graduated within the past four academic terms) can utilize all of the services available from the Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success. All Arts and Sciences alumni have access to the virtual and face-to-face career counseling provided by the Bill and Susan Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management.
Buckeye OnPACE
OnPACE is a series of self-guided career modules that assist students in learning their career interests, applying to grad school and preparing to enter the workforce.