February 16, 2012
Crane Café
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2012-02-16 21:00:00
2012-02-16 23:00:00
Café Musique
Event Host: The Foreign Language Center
Café Musique is sponsored by the Foreign Language Center and Pi Sigma Iota International Foreign Language Honorary. The quarterly event features music and cuisine from various cultures. Join us on Thursday, February 16 for a celebration of Korean music, food, and games.
Crane Café
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2012-02-16 20:00:00
2012-02-16 22:00:00
Café Musique
Event Host: The Foreign Language Center
Café Musique is sponsored by the Foreign Language Center and Pi Sigma Iota International Foreign Language Honorary. The quarterly event features music and cuisine from various cultures. Join us on Thursday, February 16 for a celebration of Korean music, food, and games.
Crane Café
Event Host: The Foreign Language Center
Café Musique is sponsored by the Foreign Language Center and Pi Sigma Iota International Foreign Language Honorary. The quarterly event features music and cuisine from various cultures. Join us on Thursday, February 16 for a celebration of Korean music, food, and games.