Event Host: College of Arts and Sciences
Short Description: John M. Horack explores the breakthroughs that followed from the Gamma Ray Observatory and subsequent experiments, which showed that these are the most powerful explosions in the universe.
In light of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, this event is shifting to an online format. It will be held at the same time (3 p.m.) with an opportunity for a live Q&A via Zoom, a webinar tool that users can download for free.
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Gamma-ray bursts, discovered by accident with classified satellites, were for decades a leading mystery in astrophysics. John M. Horack explores the breakthroughs that followed from the Gamma Ray Observatory (1991) and subsequent experiments, which showed that these are the most powerful explosions in the universe. Very recently, gravitational waves have been detected from these still-mysterious explosions.
John M. Horack is the inaugural Neil Armstrong Chair in Aerospace Policy at The Ohio State University, with tenured, full-professor appointments in the College of Engineering’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. He is a 30-year veteran of the spaceflight industry.
Science Sundays is a free public lecture series offered and supported by The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences and its sponsoring science centers. Speakers are leading experts in their fields dedicated to making their work interesting and accessible for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Science Sundays brings leading-edge work directly to the public with lectures covering diverse topics in science, arts and technology that touch our everyday lives.
While typically held at the Ohio Union U.S. Bank Conference Theatre, Horack's lecture will be presented in an online format at the same time as originally scheduled with an opportunity for live Q&A via Zoom.
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