Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching

April 29, 2015

Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching

Distinguished Teaching Award

Recognizing superior teaching by faculty, nominated by students, alumni and colleagues, our distinguished teaching award winners have multiple pages of amazing testimony from their nominators. Those students cited below sum it up.

Robin Judd, History

Judd’s students know that she cares deeply about their well-being, believing it links to their academic and personal growth. Students say she helps them “confidently approach new subjects, wants us to be successful and makes that happen through her core teaching values: flexibility, positive attitude, reciprocity, availability.”


William Scott McGraw, Anthropology

Students describe him as a passionate and enthusiastic classroom teacher, “I love that he lives out his passion in the field where primate numbers are decreasing at a fast pace…,” one said. “I know the species he studies are in good hands with all the great work he is doing for them.”


Scott Alan Jones, Music

Jones is known as a charismatic, nurturing person, excited and enthusiastic, who provides his students a well-rounded, meaningful engagement with the process of making music. They say, “he makes a clear effort to connect with each student and communicate in a way that everyone is able to understand; he gives us fabulous music-making experiences.”


Christopher Frank Highley, English

An accessible, helpful, funny, engaging, supportive teacher and mentor, loved by both undergraduate and graduate students, Highley is particularly invested in the success of his graduate students. One offered evidence, “Helping a student secure research funding is an advisor’s responsibility, securing them a dorm room in another country is beyond what I would expect.”


Julie Marie Hupp, Psychology NEWARK

Students know Hupp’s expectations are high; they also know she will help them succeed. An interactive, hands-on teacher, she engages students in active learning, creating service-learning opportunities to develop citizenship and leadership skills. One student gives Hupp the ultimate tribute, “She is the kind of teacher, researcher, mentor I want to be.”


Karl Peter Whittington, History of Art

“I took his class for GEC credit — I expected to take it, forget everything I learned, move on with my life,” one science major said. “What I didn’t expect was to find was such an engaging lecturer who made me enjoy coming to class...understanding art and why people make art. I thank him for showing me a whole different view of the word through art. Because of him, I decided to minor in art history and study rock wall art in South Africa.”


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