Alumni Stories: Wedly Cazy, Class of 2021

Wedly Cazy’s energy and enthusiasm for life is contagious. While the talented 2021 graduate graciously acknowledges those who have helped him navigate his educational journey, he is modest about the determination and hard work he applies to every endeavor. In addition to his considerable academic achievements at Ohio State, where he earned a BA in Strategic Communication with a specialization in Marketing, he spent much of his free time helping others and preparing for his future.
He credits his 2019 trip to China, supported by a Monda Scholarship, for introducing him to global business practices and strengthening his commitment to human service.
Did traveling to China affect your point of view about the world?
I guess I’ve always thought of myself as an adventurer, but the trip to China opened my eyes and changed the way I think. I try not to take things for granted. I recognize the advantages I have and consider those who are not as fortunate.
Because I took the trip early in my education, it influenced my career choices and the decisions I made for the remainder of my time at Ohio State and since. I also learned how much I enjoy traveling. I went with a campus service organization to Puerto Rico to offer humanitarian assistance after the hurricane, and since then I’ve visited six other countries.
From a personal standpoint, I met my best friend on the trip. We both attended Ohio State but didn’t meet until we signed up to go to China.
At Ohio State, you were a member of several student and service organizations. How were those experiences meaningful to you?
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion conducts freshman orientation for enrolled African American students. As a Fresh Image Ambassador, I served as a role model to instill success by guiding African American students to college, helping them become comfortable with the campus and maintaining conversations with them over the years. I hope the experience was as rewarding to them as it was to me.
I also supported social change by serving as Marketing Director for the student chapter of the NAACP and the Multicultural Understanding through Nontraditional Discovery Opportunities Residential Learning Initiative. I was responsible for developing targeted communications and advertising content for media platforms and helped create educational, civil rights events for the student body.
To prepare myself professionally, I served as Marketing Director for the National Association of Black Journalists, and Financial Director for the Ohio State chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America and the Black Advertising Strategic Communication Association.
You combined work for your dual communication and business majors by serving as campus brand ambassador for a couple of high-profile companies. What were your responsibilities?
As campus publicist for Warner Brothers Entertainment, I kept the company informed of campus happenings, including academic calendars, trends, and interests. I worked with the studio to brainstorm plans for on- and off campus events with the goal of raising awareness and interest in specific film releases.
I also worked with Anheuser-Busch as a brand ambassador for Bud Light Seltzer. It involved maintaining proactive, consistent communication with the Bud Light brand team, and local Anheuser-Busch contacts to help build brand and product awareness through engaging campus events during football season.
You spent the year after graduation performing service work through the national service program, AmeriCorps. What was your assignment and why did you choose it?
I chose to work for I Know I Can as an Ohio College Advisor because it gave me a chance to help young people learn about and apply for college scholarships. I’m a first-generation college student, and I was able to attend Ohio State because of a scholarship. My experience with I Know I Can was particularly rewarding because I was assigned to work with students from Northland, where I went to high school.
What are your plans for the future, and where will they take you?
I have an internship this summer in New York City with a company that manages branding for several fashion houses. Beginning in the Fall of 2022, I am attending graduate school at Georgetown University to study Public Relations and Corporate Communications.
What would you describe as your dream job after you’ve completed your graduate studies?
My dream job would be to work as a global publicist for Warner Brothers. I enjoyed serving as their ambassador at Ohio State and representing them all over the world would allow me to travel.
What message would you share with others about your study abroad experience and its long-term influence on your life?
Over the years, I have had several opportunities to grow, both as a student and a young professional, and I feel a sense of responsibility to those who have helped me. You don’t want to let anybody down; people put so much into you, it’s kind of like investing in a stock. I want to be sure individuals like Mr. Monda know how important his investment has been in my life.
Support students like Wedly by making a gift to the Keith and Linda Monda International Experience Scholarships Fund.