Arts and Sciences Launches New Collaborative Research Grant Program with the College of Human Ecology

The College of Arts and Sciences (ASC) has partnered with Ohio State’s College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) to develop a new Cross-College Seed Grant Program — the goal of which is to generate new and/or creative interdisciplinary research between ASC and EHE. The grants provide support for researchers to collect preliminary data and then to prepare a competitive research proposal for submission to a federal agency or major foundation to secure funds for continuation of the research.
“Making investments in building connections and partnerships with colleagues across campus is directly aligned with the Arts and Sciences commitment to promote original research and build a better scholarly-based community,” said Stephen Petrill, associate dean of research for ASC. “Collaborative, integrative research can substantially advance knowledge across multiple disciplines.”
The Cross-College Seed Grant Program is purposely general in nature to be as inclusive as possible of the varied research interests across both colleges. Proposals must include faculty from each college and all supported personnel must be from ASC and EHE.
Last month, the following investigators were awarded 2016-2017 Cross-College Seed Grants:
- Oulinana Ziouzenkova (Human Sciences), Jonathan Parquette (Chemistry/Biochemistry) and Randy Nelson (Neuroscience): “Development of nanoscafold-delivery of insulin-sensitizing proteins to target diabetes”
- Lin Ding (Teaching and Learning) and Ian Krabjich (Psychology): “Discovery through the eyes of problem solvers: Using eye-tracking technology to explore the mechanisms of successful and unsuccessful approaches to synthesis physics problems”
- Monique Mills (Speech and Hearing Science) and Leslie Moore (Teaching and Learning): “Assessing students narrative language: Emic and etic perceptions”
- Wendy Smooth (Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies) and Elaine Richardson (Teaching and Learning): “Girls of color as social change agents: Identifying pathways to leadership”
For information on the new seed grant program, contact Stephen Petrill.