Arts and Sciences Students Selected Albert Schweitzer Fellows

Two Arts and Sciences students — Ahran Koo and Sarah Levitt — are among the 18 graduate students selected for the 2015-16 class of Albert Schweitzer Fellows from Columbus and Athens. They will spend the next year learning to effectively address social factors that impact health and developing lifelong leadership skills, following the example set by famed physician-humanitarian Albert Schweitzer, for whom the fellowship is named.
According to Terry “Chip” Bahn, program director of the Columbus-Athens Schweitzer Fellows Program, “Despite the demands of graduate programs, Albert Schweitzer Fellows are committed to service and to tackling complex health needs.” They develop and implement service projects that address the root causes of health disparities in under-resourced communities, while at the same time fulfilling their academic responsibilities. The 18 Fellows in the Columbus-Athens class join approximately 220 others working in 12 program sites — 11 in the U.S. and one in Gabon at the site of the Albert Schweitzer Hospital, founded in 1913.
“We are so proud of Ahran’s competitive selection as a Schweitzer Fellow,” said Karen Hutzel, graduate studies chair and Koo’s department advisor.
“Sarah is testing the efficacy of dance to positively affect the health of a senior population, demonstrating once again the power dance has to improve communities in many ways,” said Susan Petry, chair, Department of Dance.