China Global May 2016 Education Abroad Program

Mark Bender, professor in Chinese and chair, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, took seven students to southwest China for the China Global May 2016 Education Abroad Program. This study-abroad experience is connected with the China Gateway Program, which enables students to experience a diverse mix of ethnic, rural and urban cultures in the geographically varied region of southwest China. Bender’s trip took place in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.
The students came from several different departments; each was paired with a cultural partner from the Yi Chinese minority group. Ohio State’s Brendan Whitaker, a second-year physics major, said leaving behind their cultural partners was the most difficult part of the trip.
“They were hands down the highlight of the experience for every one of us, helping us through the social labyrinth of Chinese manners and being the best friends we could ask for,” Whitaker said.
Ohio State China Global May 2016 students with their SWUN cultural partners visiting a historical site in Kunming, Yunnan province.
Throughout the trip. students spent time learning to get around the city and were exposed to diverse landscapes and ecosystems. They also mastered how to order food in the city and learned about Eastern cultures.
Ohio State and SWUN students eating at Crossing the Bridge Noodle in Kunming, Yunnan
After exploring the city, students went to the mountains for four days to teach English at a local Chinese high school in the Shilin area of Yunnan province. Bender explained this was a rare opportunity for both the Ohio State and the Chinese students.
“They were quick learners and made for a warm and inviting classroom environment,” Whitaker said. “It was a heartwarming experience to build relationships with them.”