Freudenstein Appointed Chair, Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology (EEOB)

John Freudenstein has been appointed to serve as chair of the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology (EEOB), beginning July 1, 2017. Freudenstein earned his PhD in plant systematics at Cornell University in 1992. He joined Ohio State’s faculty in 1999 as director of the Herbarium. Freudenstein conducts research in the area of plant systematics, the discovery and analysis of biological diversity and its history.
His studies cover broad topical areas, such as, diversification and character transformation in angiosperms; species-level character patterns and species discovery; patterns of association between plant species and other taxa (e.g., fungi); and theory and methods in systematics. Work on systematic theory includes studies of different types of character coding and phylogenetic methods, as well as a deeper look at the nature of systematics evidence and patterns.
Freudenstein and his research group have studied a number of plant families, but the core groups they focus on are Orchidaceae (Orchids) and Ericaceae (Heaths). They apply phylogenetic analysis to answer questions that involve the history of angiosperm groups, build classifications and describe diversity. Among their current projects is an examination of the phylogeny, diversification and biogeography in Asarum, the Wild Gingers, in Asia and North America.
In addition to research and teaching, Freudenstein has played an active role in the dynamic, ongoing educational outreach programs of both the Herbarium and the Museum of Biological Diversity’s massive, highly popular annual spring Open House.