New Book Line on Ohio/Midwest Subjects Launched by University Press

September 16, 2016

New Book Line on Ohio/Midwest Subjects Launched by University Press

Trillium Imprint

Trillium Imprint

The Ohio State University Press’ new imprint Trillium publishes books about Ohio and the Midwest to help people learn about the unique history, diverse culture and natural environment of the state.

Current and upcoming books being published by Trillium include:

  • Columbus, Ohio: Two Centuries of Business and Environmental Change, Mansel Blackford (July 2016)
  • Lustron Stories, Charles Mintz (September 2016)
  • The Gentleman from Ohio, Congressman Louis Stokes and David Chanoff (September 2016)
  • The Ohio State University in the Sixties, The Unraveling of the Old Order, William Shkurti (September 2016)

They will all be available at local bookstores, through online retailers including Amazon and on the University Press website. Several upcoming events on campus and in Columbus will feature discussions and book-signings. Confirmed events are listed at the end of this article.

Books published under Trillium will help to fund the press’ scholarly publishing program and to lower the cost of student textbooks published by University Press. The imprint takes its name from the state’s official wildflower.

“Most land-grant university presses have a regional imprint. Ohio State used to, and it just made sense to start it up again,” said Tony Sanfilippo, director of the University Press. “It gives Ohio State the opportunity to record our own history about the university and the state of Ohio. It’s important to capture that history, and we have the hope that these books are truly relevant to Ohio’s citizens.”

More titles are slated to be published next spring, including The Haygoods of Columbus by Wil Haygood, Ohioana Book Award-winner and finalist for the 2016 Dayton Literary Peace Prize, and Onboard the USS Mason, featuring the diary of a sailor who served on the ship with the first all-black crew in World War II.

“It’s really exciting to see the books hit the market, to walk into a bookstore and see one of our books on the shelf, right out there in the wild!” Sanfilippo added.

Trillium book events: Open to the public

The Ohio State University in the Sixties: The Unraveling of the Old Order, Bill Shkurti

Homecoming weekend kickoff event
Sept. 30, 3:30-5 p.m.
Ohio State Thompson Library

Sponsored by Ohio State Archives, Glenn College and USG Alumni Association

Book signing
Oct. 1, 10-11 a.m.
Barnes and Noble Gateway, 1598 N High St., Columbus, OH 43201

Book talk and signing
Oct. 7, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Main Street Bookstore, 104 N. Main St., Mansfield, OH 44902

Book talk and signing
Oct. 26, 7 p.m.
Upper Arlington Public Library, 2800 Tremont Rd., Upper Arlington, OH 43221

The Gentleman from Ohio, Louis (Lori) Stokes and David Chanoff

Case Western Reserve book release party, signing to follow
Oct. 4, 4:30-5:30 p.m. 
Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, 11235 Bellflower Rd., Cleveland, OH 44106

“Reflections on the Life of the Late Congressman Louis Stokes: An Evening of Conversation with Lori Stokes”
Dec. 5, 7 p.m.
King Arts Complex, 867 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, OH

Sponsored by The Thurber House
$25 in advance and at the door

Book Fairs

All Trillium titles
In addition to Shkurti and Stokes, Columbus, Ohio: Two Centuries of Business and Environmental Change, Manse Blackford and Lustron Stories, Chuck Mintz

Buckeye Book Fair
Nov. 5, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fisher Auditorium, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, Ohio 44691

Ohioana Book Festival
April 2017: Details yet to be released

See Ohioana Book Festival for updates. 

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