Psychology Professor Identifies Strong Predictors of Obesity

Charles Emery, professor of psychology, is lead author of a new study identifying two strong predictors of obesity: having low self-esteem related to one’s weight and keeping food visibly available around the house, outside the kitchen. The study is published in the International Journal of Obesity.
Emery, also a professor of internal medicine and an investigator in Ohio State’s Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, noted that multiple metabolic and genetic factors contribute to obesity, but the home is a logical place to consider in efforts to improve health.
“The home environment is a really important place to focus on since that’s where most people spend a majority of their time,” he said. “For interventions, we should be thinking about the home as a place to start helping people establish what we know to be healthier habits and behaviors.”
Co-authors on the study include KayLoni Olson, graduate teaching associate; Victoria Lee, clincial research coordinator; and Andrew Bodine, graduate administrative associate, Department of Psychology; Diane Habash of the Ohio State's School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and Jack Nasar of Ohio State's Knowlton School of Architecture.
Read the entire press release, courtesy of Emily Caldwell, assistant editor, Office of Research Communications.