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On Oct. 1, Gretchen Ritter, executive dean and vice provost, sent the message below to College of Arts and Sciences students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Gretchen Ritter, executive dean and vice provost, and David Horn, associate executive dean for undergraduate education, sent the following message to Arts and Sciences undergraduate students on…

In his new role as director of the American Economic Association (AEA) Mentoring Program, Trevon Logan isn’t necessarily looking to push the field of economics into more research on diversity and…

Eight College of Arts and Sciences faculty have been appointed as new department chairs or school directors of their units for the coming academic year.


On June 1, Wendy Smooth, associate dean for diversity, equity and inclusion, and Gretchen Ritter, executive dean and vice provost, sent the messages below to College of Arts and Sciences students…

Four College of Arts and Sciences faculty have been appointed or reappointed to leadership roles within the college.

Susan Olesik, professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry…

Exactly three months ago, I gave a talk to the students, staff and faculty in the Department of Dance explaining why I wanted to become their next chair. Believe it or not, in my five-year vision…

UPDATE (March 26):

The University Senate has approved the change to allow students to take elective and General Education courses with Pass/No Pass grading for the spring 2020 semester…

LAST UPDATED: March 23, 2020

The university’s decision to suspend all face-to-face instruction and to prohibit or limit other kinds of activities creates challenges for all of us:…