

The Ohio State University Press Editor-in-Chief Kristen Elias Rowley has wanted to publish Jerald Walker’s writing for years. His second manuscript slipped…

In 2010, three years ahead of the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, former president Barack Obama first declared January “National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month…

The thought of virtually educating small children for hours each day is undoubtedly daunting. But for Department of English PhD candidate Natalia Colón Alvarez, rising to that challenge is exactly…

The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, pictured above, is the nation’s first memorial dedicated to the legacies of slavery. (Photo courtesy of…

The Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) announced a pilot racial justice grant program this fall to support instructors incorporating diverse voices into curricula and inviting conversations around…

The College of Arts and Sciences is home to a wide array of experts in fields from African American and African studies to political science to English who are writing about Blackness…

In his new role as director of the American Economic Association (AEA) Mentoring Program, Trevon Logan isn’t necessarily looking to push the field of economics into more research on diversity and…

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Earlier this year for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Hasan Kwame Jeffries, associate professor in the Department of History, found himself in front of his…

Marla Berkowitz interprets for Gov. Mike DeWine during a briefing on the coronavirus.

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