

talking heads graphic

New Career-Prep Tool Available to ASC Students

As 2016 kicks into gear, it’s time to nail down that summer internship, start job searching, or develop career readiness more broadly. Now, Arts and Sciences students have a central platform to…

Student and Young boy learning about the larynx

Teaching the Science of Language

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View all 2016 High Points

Students in the course "Training in Science Education Outreach"…

Kristi Williams

Kristi Williams Named Editor, Journal of Marriage and Family

Kristi Williams, associate professor, sociology, has been named editor of the highly regarded Journal of Marriage and Family. The journal is the flagship research journal of the National Council…

Ilhan Dahir

Arts and Sciences Student Named Rhodes Scholar

Alumna Ilhan Dahir (political science; English, 2015) has been named a 2016 Rhodes Scholar. The scholarship supports two years of graduate study at the University of Oxford in the United…

Preschoolers and numbers

Speech and Hearing Students Improve Pre-K Literacy Scores

Reading proficiency by the end of the third grade can be a make-or-break benchmark in a child’s educational development. Seventy-five percent of the students who are not reading at grade level in…

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White House Recognizes the Importance of Decision Sciences

President Barack Obama highlighted the importance of using decision sciences insights to better serve the American people in an Executive Order issued Sept. 15, 2015. These same themes…

Vladimir Kogan

Political Science Professor Shares $632,000 Lyle Spencer Research Award

Vladimir Kogan, assistant professor, political science; and Stéphane Lavertu, associate professor, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, are the recipients of a $632,778 Lyle Spencer Research…

Zhong-Lin Lu

Psychology Professor to Share in $13.1 million NSF BRAIN Initiative

Zhong-Lin Lu, professor of psychology and director of the Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging and the Center for Cognitive Science, is one of a handful of research scientists across…

Center for Human Resource Research Awarded $52 Million NLS Contract

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, has awarded a $52 million contract to Ohio State’s Center for Human Resource Research (CHRR) to continue to…