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By James Grega

The Ohio State University is adding a first of its kind major to its catalog.

Forensic anthropology was approved in the summer as an official major, allowing students to declare it as a…

Natalie Wright Romeri-Grass, a doctoral student in the Department of Political Science at The Ohio State University, has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright-Hays Doctoral…

Using artificial intelligence applications to help craft a message to a friend is not a good idea – at least if your friend finds out about the use of AI, a new study suggests. Researchers…

Mohamed Shedeed, a doctoral student in the Department of Political Science at The Ohio State University, has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation…

The Ohio State University has selected nine proposals, including six from the College of Arts and Sciences, for Good-to-Great Grant Program support. Sponsored by the Office of…

A first-of-its-kind study examined 2.2 million news stories shared on Facebook and found that publishers create two very different news environments.

These distinct ecosystems involve low-…

As a result of the public’s interest in a video on gun safety shown to reduce children's likelihood to touch, play with or fire a gun, Ohio State has published the video on the Ohio State…

When people who publicly reject COVID-19 vaccines later die from the disease, observers have complex reactions to their fates, a new study from Matthew Grizzard, associate professor of …

Becky Mansfield studies nature-society geography, political ecology and science studies. She is particularly interested in how traditional ideas about a separation between humans and nature…