Featured Spring 2023 Courses

Featured Spring 2023 Courses

Scheduling Soon?

The College of Arts and Sciences curriculum is designed to provide you with the right tools and expertise to expand your educational landscape. This spring semester we have created a diverse portfolio of courses to engage your intellectual curiosities as you work toward fulfilling your degree requirements. It’s always the perfect time to study what you love. Register today.

General Education Requirements

New GE Requirements
For students who first enrolled AU22 or later

Legacy GE Requirements
For students who first enrolled before AU22

Learn about climate change's past and future

Earth’s Climate: Past and Future (GEOG/EARTHSC 4911), A new co-taught climate change course, will be available for students this spring. This class will examine Earth's climate and its natural development as understood from the geologic record spanning the full history of the planet, as well as how the future climate is likely to evolve.

Only by understanding the mechanisms controlling Earth's climate over millions of years – plate tectonic cycles, solar cycles, biogeochemical cycles – can we fully grasp the ways in which human activity now dominates the changes to climate.

Learn more

More featured courses

ARABIC 3702: Place, Space, and Migration in Modern Arabic Literature and Film
GEL Literature; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Theme: Lived Environments

ARTEDUC 2700: Criticizing Television
GEL Diversity: Social Diversity in the US; Writing and Communication: level 2
GEN Foundation: Writing and Information Literacy; Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

COMPSTD 3606: The Quest in World Literature
GEL Literature; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

DANCE 2367H: Writing About Dance Honors
GEL Writing and Communication: level 2
GEN Foundation: Writing and Information Literacy

ENGLISH 2581: Introduction to U.S. Ethnic Literatures and Cultures
GEN Foundation: Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

ENGLISH 3361: Narrative and Medicine
GEL Literature

FRENCH 1801: Masterpieces of the French-Speaking World
GEL Literature; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

GERMAN 2251: German Literature and Popular Culture
GEL Literature
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

ITALIAN 3051: Italian Romances
GEL Literature; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

PHILOS 2465: Death and the Meaning of Life
GEL Literature

SPANISH 2320: Don Quixote in Translation
GEL Literature; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

YIDDISH 3399: Holocaust in Yiddish and Ashkenazic Literature and Film
GEL Literature; Diversity: Global Studies

CHINESE 1101.61: Level One Chinese I: Individualized Track Online
GEL Foreign Language

COMPSTD 2281: American Icons
GEL Cultures and Ideas; Diversity: Social Diversity in the US
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

DANCE 3401: Dance in Popular Culture
GEL Cultures and Ideas; Diversity: Social Diversity in the US
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

DANCE 3402: Dance in Global Contexts
GEL Cultures and Ideas; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

ENGLISH 3364: “Disneyfying” Diversity: Disney’s Depictions of Race in Feature Film and on Network Television
GEL Cultures and Ideas
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

FRENCH 2803.01: Paris
GEL Cultures and Ideas
GEN Theme: Lived Environments

FRIT 3054: The 21st-Century Skill: Intercultural Competence for Global Citizenship
GEL Diversity: Global Studies

HISTORY 2703: History of Public Health, Medicine and Disease
GEL Historical Study; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Theme: Health and Well-being

HISTORY 3680: Religion and Law in Comparative Perspective
GEL Historical Study; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World

HISTORY 3708: Vaccines: A Global History
GEL Historical Study
GEN Theme: Health and Well-being

LING 2000: Introduction to Linguistics
GEL Cultures and Ideas
GEN Foundation: Social & Behavioral Sciences

MEDREN 2666: Magic and Witchcraft in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
GEL Cultures and Ideas; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

PORTGSE 2330: Introduction to Brazilian Culture
GEL Cultures and Ideas; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

PORTGSE 2331: Portuguese Culture and Society
GEL Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

SPANISH 2332: Introduction to Andean and Amazonian Cultures
GEL Cultures and Ideas; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

WGSST 2305: A World of Genders and Sexualities
GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies; Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

ANTHROP 2200: Introduction to Physical Anthropology
GEL Natural Science: Biological Science

BIOLOGY 2105: Human Biology in Cinema
GEL Natural Science: Biological Science
GEN Theme: Health and Well-being

GEOG 2200.01: Mapping Our World
GEL Data Analysis 
GEN Foundation: Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning

LING 2001: Language and Formal Reasoning
GEL Qualitative Reasoning 
GEN Foundation: Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning

POLITSC 3780: Data Literacy and Data Visualization
GEL Data Analysis 
GEN Foundation: Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning

SOCIOL 3549: Statistics in Sociology
GEL Data Analysis 
GEN Foundation: Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning

STAT 1350.01: Elementary Statistics
GEL Data Analysis 
GEN Foundation: Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning

AFAMAST 2218: Black Urban Experience
GEL Social Science: Individuals and Groups
GEN Foundation: Social and Behavioral Sciences; Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

ANTHROP 3597.02: Women, Culture, and Development
GEL Cross-Disciplinary Seminar; Diversity: Global Studies; Social Science: Individuals and Groups
GEN Foundation: Social and Behavioral Sciences

GEOG 3600: Space, Power and Political Geography
GEL Social Science: Organizations & Polities
GEN Foundation: Social and Behavioral Sciences

LING 2501: The Basics of Language for Language Learners
GEL Social Science: Individuals and Groups; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Social & Behavioral Sciences

POLITSC 3596: Nationalism and Ethnicity
GEL Cross-Disciplinary Seminar; Social Science: Individuals and Groups
GEN Foundation: Social and Behavioral Sciences

SOCIOL 2463: Social Inequality: Race, Class, and Gender
GEL Social Science: Human, Natural and Econ Resources
GEN Foundation: Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

SOCIOL 3200: Sociology of Immigration
GEL Diversity: Social Diversity in the US
GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World

SOCIOL 5450: Sociology of Global Health and Illness
GEL Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Theme: Health and Well-being

ARTEDUC 1600: Art and Music Since 1945
GEL Visual and Performing Arts
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

ARTEDUC 2600: Visual Culture: Investigating Diversity & Social Justice
GEL Visual and Performing Arts; Diversity: Social Diversity in the US; Writing and Communication: level 2
GEN Foundation: Writing and Information Literacy; Literary, Visual & Performing Arts; Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

DANCE 2401: Western Concert Dance: Renaissance to Present
GEL Visual and Performing Arts, GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

ITALIAN 2053: Introduction to Italian Cinema
GEL Visual and Performing Arts; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

ITALIAN 2055: Mafia Movies
GEL Visual and Performing Arts
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

HISTART 3611: Impressionism, Then and Now
GEL Visual and Performing Arts
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

HISTART 3901: World Cinema Today
GEL Visual and Performing Arts; Diversity: Global Studies
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

HISTART 3211: Art and Civilization in Mesopotamia
GEL Visual and Performing Arts
GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts