How Movement Moves: Dancing Across Borders, from West Africa to the Americas

Thiossane West African Dance Institute
October 19, 2019
All Day
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library Plaza, Sullivant Hall

Time: 2:30
Event Host: Migration, Mobility and Immobility Project, Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme
Short Description: This event showcases an innovative community collaboration between Dance Brazil, an undergraduate student tour group at the Department of Dance that emphasizes dance migrations of the African diaspora within the Americas, and Suzan Bradford Kounta, artistic director of the Thiossane Institute and director of the Lincoln Theater who also teaches West African dance classes at Ohio State.

This event showcases an innovative community collaboration between Dance Brazil, an undergraduate student tour group at the Department of Dance that emphasizes dance migrations of the African diaspora within the Americas, and Suzan Bradford Kounta, artistic director of the Thiossane Institute and director of the Lincoln Theater who also teaches West African dance classes at Ohio State. Featuring an original musical score played live by Thiossane’s musicians and a lecture-demonstration explaining the dances and their contexts, this event will also reach out to members of Columbus’s African American community. Contact Susan HadleyThis event is part of Moving Subjects: Migration, Mobility and Immobility Week. 

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