February 2, 2023
The Ohio Union Interfaith Prayer and Reflection Room
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2023-02-02 13:30:00
2023-02-02 14:30:00
The Importance of the Client/Clinician Relationship
This in-person event is open to all undergraduate and graduate students connected to the Department of Speech and Hearing Science and our alumni.
Join us for a presentation and discussion with Michael Kidd-Gilchrist. Michael is an NBA player, person who stutters and founder of the non-profit Change and Impact which strives to support people who stutter through advocacy and education. He will discuss his story as a person who stutters and how speech-language pathologists supported him.
Hosted by NSSLHA and The Flaum Center for Stuttering.
The Ohio Union Interfaith Prayer and Reflection Room
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2023-02-02 13:30:00
2023-02-02 14:30:00
The Importance of the Client/Clinician Relationship
This in-person event is open to all undergraduate and graduate students connected to the Department of Speech and Hearing Science and our alumni.
Join us for a presentation and discussion with Michael Kidd-Gilchrist. Michael is an NBA player, person who stutters and founder of the non-profit Change and Impact which strives to support people who stutter through advocacy and education. He will discuss his story as a person who stutters and how speech-language pathologists supported him.
Hosted by NSSLHA and The Flaum Center for Stuttering.
The Ohio Union Interfaith Prayer and Reflection Room
This in-person event is open to all undergraduate and graduate students connected to the Department of Speech and Hearing Science and our alumni.
Join us for a presentation and discussion with Michael Kidd-Gilchrist. Michael is an NBA player, person who stutters and founder of the non-profit Change and Impact which strives to support people who stutter through advocacy and education. He will discuss his story as a person who stutters and how speech-language pathologists supported him.
Hosted by NSSLHA and The Flaum Center for Stuttering.