Kelly Greenhill, Better than the Truth: Extra-factual Sources of Threat Conception and Proliferation

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February 25, 2016
All Day
1501 Neil Ave.

Time: 3:30 p.m.
Event Host: Mershon Center for International Security Studies
Short Description: Kelly Greenhill, associate professor at Tufts University, will speak on “Better than the Truth: Extra-factual Sources of Threat Conception and Proliferation” at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, 1501 Neil Ave. She is currently conducting a cross-national study that explores why, when and under what conditions, rumors, conspiracy theories and myths influence the development and conduct of states' foreign and defense policies.

Kelly Greenhill, associate professor at Tufts University, will speak on “Better than the Truth: Extra-factual Sources of Threat Conception and Proliferation” at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, 1501 Neil Ave. She is currently conducting a cross-national study that explores why, when and under what conditions, rumors, conspiracy theories and myths influence the development and conduct of states' foreign and defense policies.

Read more and register at the Mershon Center.

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