Experts in the Media


Title Departments Expert(s) Publication
June 17, 2024: Mexico was a destination for escaped slaves — one woman risked everything to get them there History María Esther Hammack NBC News
June 11, 2024: Butch Reynolds Seeks Redemption With ‘False Positive’ Documentary Communication Nicole Kraft Forbes
June 10, 2024: American slavery wasn’t just a white man’s business − new research shows how white women profited, too Economics Trevon Logan The Conversation
June 10, 2024: What the science of elections can reveal in this super-election year Center for Ethics and Human Values Caroline Wagner Nature
June 9, 2024: Creating a throw-away culture: How companies ingrained plastics in modern life History Bart Elmore NPR
June 9, 2024: Urban Arts Space exhibits convey diverse experiences of people of color Arts Administration, Education and Policy, Urban Arts Space Joni Acuff, gloria wilson The Columbus Dispatch
June 5, 2024: Ohio districts are considering shuttering schools — and the backlash is intense Political Science Vladimir Kogan WOSU
May 22, 2024: How John F. Kennedy’s Grandson Became the Internet’s Premier Weirdo English John Hellmann Slate
May 22, 2024: The Last Glaciers of Indonesia Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Lonnie Thompson
May 16, 2024: The Study-Abroad Accent Might Be the Real Deal Linguistics Cynthia Clopper The Atlantic
May 15, 2024: Deeply emotional, incredibly profound: The impact of Ohio State’s prison co-education program African American and African Studies, Sociology, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Terrance Hinton, Tiyi Morris, Mary Thomas, Paul Bellair The Lantern
May 15, 2024: A wave of retractions is shaking physics Physics Brian Skinner MIT Technology Review
May 14, 2024: Something weird is happening with tornadoes Geography Jana Houser Vox
May 13, 2024: US is experiencing more tornado outbreaks, despite fewer tornado days overall, researchers say Geography Jana Houser ABC News
May 13, 2024: As a brutal genocide raged around her, Josephine smuggled 12 people to safety Sociology Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira NPR
May 9, 2024: End of El Niño may lead to more tornadoes Geography Jana Houser Associated Press
May 9, 2024: When new moms use cannabis, THC shows up in breast milk Anthropology Elizabeth Holdsworth Futurity
May 8, 2024: Tornadoes Are Coming in Bunches. Scientists Are Trying to Figure Out Why. Geography Jana Houser The New York Times
May 8, 2024: Pro-Palestine protesters want universities to divest from Israel, but that can’t happen in Ohio English Pranav Jani NPR
May 8, 2024: Student Wellness Tip: Incorporate Exercise Breaks Into Lecture Classes Psychology Scott Hayes Inside Higher Ed
May 6, 2024: Prison education programs ready to expand, but new Pell Grants slow to arrive Comparative Studies, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Mary Thomas The Hill
May 5, 2024: Study: Some types of exercise may increase anger Communication Brad Bushman NBC2 Dayton
May 2, 2024: What a decaying El Niño has to do with tornadoes in the central US Geography Jana Houser The Conversation
May 1, 2024: Distinguished OSU Professor, Susan Olesik, selected as 2024 COSI STEAM Star Chemistry and Biochemistry Susan Olesik NBC4
April 25, 2024: Columbus has a child opportunity gap Sociology Christopher Browning Axios