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How Our Presidential Elections Have Changed

Voter distrust, media consumption, disinformation growing everywhere — these have had a drastic impact on our elections. In this episode, we talk with two experts about how as our society changes…

a dinosaur skeleton in the lobby of Orton Hall

10 of the coolest pieces in Orton museum’s collection

This year, Orton Geological Museum celebrates 150 years of firsts and rocks, minerals and fossils that make both the curious and scientifically minded go “ooh!” Museum Director and Professor Loren…

World oceans map

Identifying the genes that viruses ‘steal’ from ocean microbes

The microbes that cycle nutrients in the ocean don’t do the work on their own – the viruses that infect them also influence the process. It’s a vital job for the rest of the planet, enabling…

boreal forest on a wide hillside

Declines in plant resilience threaten carbon storage in the Arctic

Rapid warming has impacted the northern ecosystem so significantly that scientists are concerned the region’s vegetation is losing the ability to recover from climate shocks, suggests a…

Angus Fletcher, Professor of Story Science at the Ohio State Project Narrative

Why people think they’re right, even when they are wrong

If you smugly believe you’re right in a disagreement with a friend or colleague, a new study suggests why you may actually be wrong.

Researchers found that people naturally assume they have…

melting glacier and floating ice blocks

Researchers link El Niño to accelerated ice loss in tropics

Natural climate patterns such as El Niño are causing tropical glaciers to lose their ice at an alarming rate, a new study has found. 

A phenomenon that typically…

white pills on a yellow background

Bias found when drug manufacturers fund clinical trials

Psychiatric drugs are reported to be about 50% more effective in clinical trials funded by the drug’s manufacturer than when trials of the same drug are sponsored by other groups, new research…

a handful of black plastic pellets

Scientists develop novel method for strengthening PVC products

Researchers have developed a way to make one type of plastic material more durable and less likely to shed dangerous microplastics.

The study identified a secure way to…

Mindset Lab

Invisible Injury: MINDSET Lab at Ohio State takes progressive look at traumatic brain injuries

By James Grega

When you think about head injuries and their causes, sports and auto accidents are probably the first thing that comes to mind. While that is often the case, the MINDSET Lab at Ohio State studies…