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A new study provides evidence that pigeons tackle some problems just as artificial intelligence would – allowing them to solve difficult tasks that would vex humans.

Previous research had…

A new program at The Ohio State University seeks to grow the ranks of the next generation of biomedical scholars doing impactful research.

The Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)…

Scientists have breathed new life into the study of a protein with an outsized link to human cancers because of its dangerous mutations, using advanced research techniques to detect its hidden…

In the world of threatened and endangered species conservation, the genomic revolution has raised some complicated questions: How can scientists justify assessing species genetic diversity without…

In a new breakthrough, researchers have used a novel technique to confirm a previously undetected physics phenomenon that could be used to improve data storage in the next generation of…

Many people fail at achieving their early career dreams. But a new study suggests that those failures don’t have to harm your self-esteem if you think about them in the right way.

Pierre Agostini, professor emeritus of physics at The Ohio State University, has been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics with two of his colleagues.

This research center and Nationwide Children’s Hospital are working together to create virtual reality training that will help staff calm patients.

In lonely people, the boundary between real friends and favorite fictional characters gets blurred in the part of the brain that is active when thinking about others, a new study found.