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In the video, you can see the giraffe lean in. The giraffe is curious. Maybe confused? Intrigued, for sure. You can almost read its mind.

“What in the world is this flute?”

Ohio State’s Next Generation Innovator of the Year for 2022 is Madison Tuttle, a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Tuttle’s research is focused on finding…

Mackenzie Scott, a third-year honors student majoring in astronomy and astrophysics and physics with a minor in history, was recognized by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships and Excellence in…

When Emily Nothnagle set foot on Ohio State’s campus, she couldn’t have predicted the winding path she’d end up on.

Nothnagle isn’t just a triple-major in music, anthropology and…

Body positivity and anti-diet rebellions are rooted in the fat acceptance movement of the 1960s. Created by advocates in marginalized populations to further the rights of overweight individuals…

Every spring semester, TEDxOhioStateUniversity hosts an event featuring Ohio State students, faculty, staff and alumni who leverage their…

Mike Fairman, a history undergraduate student, atop Aconcagua, the highest mountain in South America.

This story discusses issues of mental health…

Jincy Dunne, a 2019 psychology grad, will be skating for Team USA at the Winter Olympics.

Two Arts and Sciences students will be…

Ever want to sit down and chat with one of your favorite instructors over lunch? With the Take Your Professor to Lunch program, undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences have…