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Eight College of Arts and Sciences faculty have been appointed as new department chairs or school directors of their units for the coming academic year.



The site marked with dotted lines could be the site of a future landslide in Alaska, as research by a group of scientists including Ohio…

By using the Electron-Ion Collider to slam an electron into a heavier particle such as a proton or atomic nucleus together, as depicted in…

From left: Richard Furnstahl, Ulrich Heinz and Matthew Pratola.

Three College of Arts and Sciences researchers are key members of a new, $3.…

Gift will support several Ohio State initiatives, including new music building to be named after alumnus Ratmir Timashev and his family.

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Ohio State has awarded the permanent, honorific title of Distinguished University Professor to three of its faculty members. The distinction is the highest faculty honor at Ohio State and is given…

Four College of Arts and Sciences faculty have been appointed or reappointed to leadership roles within the college.

Susan Olesik, professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry…

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Climate change is often depicted with broad, faraway examples: glaciers melting and 70-degree days in the Arctic, endangered species dwindling in Asia…

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences announced the election of its new members for 2020, which include two faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences: Clark Larsen, Distinguished…