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Coral reefs, dynamic underwater ecosystems made up of thousands of corals and other marine species, play an essential role within and above the sea.

They are vital to a quarter of marine…

In an era when seemingly everyone has a podcast, it takes a unique voice and a unique set of guests to cut through the chatter.

"Voices of Excellence", an Arts and Sciences podcast, has…

Michiko Yamaoka first learned about her family's history with atomic bombs when she was in 6th grade. Her mother, Kiyoko, and Kiyoko’s sister, Atsuko, were children living just outside Hiroshima…

Hundreds of Ohio State Arts and Sciences students broke down traditional classroom barriers to study around the world this summer, connecting on social media along the way with the #ASCintheField…

A photograph can sometimes be more powerful than its real-life subject.  

Professor Emerita in the Department of Art Ardine Nelson hopes her exhibit that opens Aug. 19 at Hopkins Hall…

Amanda Hummon, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, and Chuan Xue, associate professor of mathematics, were named recipients of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and…

PhD student Heather Glon has trouble keeping her head above water — mainly because her research requires her to travel around the world diving for sea anemones.

Breanne LeJeune, program coordinator, Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme, shares a day of adventure and discovery with their nephew at the Museum of Biological Diversity in this…

The College of Arts and Sciences is thrilled to announce its 2019 Distinguished Professor awards. This award serves to honor full professor colleagues who have excelled in teaching, service …