
Four Arts and Sciences faculty named to leadership roles
Four College of Arts and Sciences faculty have been appointed or reappointed to leadership roles within the college.
Susan Olesik, professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry…
Climate change making impacts right here in Ohio
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Climate change is often depicted with broad, faraway examples: glaciers melting and 70-degree days in the Arctic, endangered species dwindling in Asia…

Clark Larsen and Anita Hopper elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
The American Academy of Arts and Sciences announced the election of its new members for 2020, which include two faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences: Clark Larsen, Distinguished…

Office of Research awards COVID-19 funding to Arts and Sciences studies
The Office of Research recently announced its third and final round of funding as part of its COVID-19 Seed Funding Program aimed at addressing critical health and community problems related to…

Three arts and sciences students receive 2020 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships
Three Arts and Sciences students, juniors Emily Osborne, Eitan Rothberg and Sarthak Shah, have been named 2020 Goldwater Scholars, the most prestigious national award for…

Science Sundays goes online
Science Sundays, one of the premier outreach events of Ohio State’s College of Arts and Sciences, is bringing cutting-edge research presented by outstanding speakers into people’s homes. …

EEOB professor’s research to tackle problems measuring biodiversity change
We’ve all heard about dwindling biodiversity across the planet, but it turns out scientists have a difficult time actually verifying it.
Because it’s impossible to continually count…

Chemistry grad on the front lines of COVID-19 vaccine research
Thirty years after graduating from Ohio State with a degree in chemistry, Raymond Goodrich is leading a team that is fighting the coronavirus.
As executive director of the Infectious…

ABRC combating plant blindness, educating on climate change
One of the greenhouses managed by Ohio State's Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center
An often-…