
Cynthia Clopper named interim chair of Department of Linguistics
Cynthia Clopper, professor of linguistics, was named interim chair of the Department of Linguistics, effective Aug. 15, 2018, through June 30, 2019.
Clopper received her BA from Duke…

Firsthand look at industry effects spark student's environmental studies
Kassi Burnett, a doctoral student in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, was raised by a family of coal miners and steel mill workers in St. Clairsville in rural Ohio. That…

Luis Casian named divisional dean for natural and mathematical sciences
Interim Executive Dean and Vice Provost Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier has appointed Luis Casian, professor and chair of the Department of Mathematics, to serve as the new divisional dean for natural…

Titan Arums at Biological Sciences Greenhouse
It’s been five years since Ohio State’s Biological Sciences Greenhouse has seen a titan arum bloom, but this year the greenhouse is expected to welcome two at once.
This gigantic…

Ohio State Marion student awarded Pelotonia Fellowship
When Bailey Lucas joined the lab of Ruben Petreaca, assistant professor of molecular genetics, she expected that she would be partaking in research. She did not, however, anticipate that she would…

Spring Recognition: A Celebration of Distinguished Teaching and Scholarship
On Tuesday, April 10, the College of Arts and Sciences hosted its third annual Spring Recognition Ceremony, honoring the recipients of all endowed college awards and college-wide awards for…

Psych professor writes simple science — by writing for kids
Ashleigh Maxcey, a visiting associate professor in the Department of Psychology, has co-authored 15 peer-review publications and penned an additional eight more on her own, but she still…

Young alumna lands dream job at Cincinnati Zoo
View all 2018 High Points >
Not many can say they’ve found their dream job at such a young age, but Angela Hatke (BA, communication, 2007) may be the exception. In 2015, she…

2017 High Points
In the Arts and Sciences, 2017 was filled with extraordinary accomplishments, leading-edge teaching and research, and impactful philanthropy. Join us in reflecting upon the year’s high…