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Virginia Rich, assistant…

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Department graduate students (first in botany, now in molecular genetics) have organized and presented the Annual Adolph E. Waller Memorial Lecture Series since 1976. Established by…

The Center for Applied Plant Sciences (CAPS), a partnership among the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, and the College of Engineering…

Andrea Holderbaum (BS, biology, 2016), a newly minted alumna from Mason, OH, says she “fell in love with research” while a student at Ohio State, where she devoted much of her time to working in a…

The title of Distinguished University Professor, conferred by the university’s Board of Trustees, is the highest honor Ohio State bestows on a faculty member. To date, this permanent designation…

Kathleen Sandman has always used innovative approaches to teaching microbiology to undergraduates, both majors and non-majors.

One of the courses she teaches is the introductory microbiology…

Eleven Arts and Sciences scholars and teachers — covering the diverse range of disciplines in arts and humanities, natural and physical sciences and social and behavioral sciences — won top…

Andi Wolfe, an evolutionary biologist and associate professor in the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology (EEOB), is also a professional photographer and wood-turner. She…