
New Career-Prep Tool Available to ASC Students
As 2016 kicks into gear, it’s time to nail down that summer internship, start job searching, or develop career readiness more broadly. Now, Arts and Sciences students have a central platform to…

Molecular Geneticist Awarded 3-Year $772,000 NSF Grant
Molecular Genetics Assistant Professor Anna Dobritsa’s new, three-year $772,000 NSF grant supports research on processes that are not only interesting to plant biologists, but to materials…

EEOB Researcher PI on Ohio Board of Regents Study to Determine Possible Health Impacts of Lake Erie Cyanotoxins
Stuart Ludsin, co-director of Ohio State’s Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, and EEOB associate professor, is PI on a new, two-year, $162,598 Ohio Board of Regents grant that will study fish flesh…

Teaching Ohio State’s Largest Major Gets a Makeover: CLSE Holds Ohio State's First National Academies Summer Institute June 8-12
The first National Academies Summer Institute at Ohio State (NASI@OSU) held this week, June 8-12 at the Center for Life Sciences Education (CLSE), is a targeted initiative to improve how biology…

New $758, 208 NSF Grant to Test Adaptive Radiation Theory in Penstemon
THE PROMISING PROJECTThe new three-year (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2018) $758, 208 NSF Grant awarded to PI, Andrea Wolfe, associate professor; evolution, ecology and organismal biology; and co-PI…