

melting glacier and floating ice blocks

Researchers link El Niño to accelerated ice loss in tropics

Natural climate patterns such as El Niño are causing tropical glaciers to lose their ice at an alarming rate, a new study has found. 

A phenomenon that typically…

a handful of black plastic pellets

Scientists develop novel method for strengthening PVC products

Researchers have developed a way to make one type of plastic material more durable and less likely to shed dangerous microplastics.

The study identified a secure way to…

chalkboard with writing

Ohio State professor named Blavatnik National Awards finalist

David Nagib, an organic chemist and a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at The Ohio State University, has been selected as a finalist for the 2024 Blavatnik National Awards for…

bleached coral under water

Feeding coral reefs can aid their recovery from bleaching events

Coral reefs will continue to experience severe heat stress as rising temperatures cause the oceans to become unbearably hot – but a new study shows that altering their feeding habits could allow…

large binocular telescope

Astronomy project co-led by Ohio State receives $4.3 million

Researchers at The Ohio State University are helping lead the development of an instrument that will transform how astronomers hunt for exoplanets. 

Designed to…

Ann Cook

Q&A faculty spotlight: Ann Cook

Ann Cook uses petrophysics, geophysics, sediment core and mathematical models to understand subseafloor natural gas hydrate systems. She is particularly interested in how to identify and quantify…

students and faculty look at a physics experiment

Ohio State Center for Emergent Materials receives NSF funding for research and education partnership

By Christina Dierkes

The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) at The Ohio State University’s College of Arts and Sciences is partnering with California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) on a program to expand…

A headshot of professor Todd Thompson

Thompson appointed chair of Department of Astronomy

By Braden Moles

Todd Thompson, a professor in the Department of Astronomy, has been appointed chair of the department beginning July 1, 2024.

Thompson is a theoretical astrophysicist whose research focuses…

students walk past Mendenhall Lab, a yellow stone building

TransPort Program connects transfer students with a variety of campus resources

By James Grega

Moving to a new place can be difficult for incoming Ohio State students. Acclimating to an entirely new university on top of that can seem even more daunting. A new program aims to alleviate some…