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Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine started the process of re-opening Ohio's economy May 1.

As Gov. Mike DeWine starts reopening Ohio’s economy, one…

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences announced the election of its new members for 2020, which include two faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences: Clark Larsen, Distinguished…

Hurricane Maria approaching Puerto Rico on September 19, 2017. Image by Tim Loomis, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellites…

Michael Neblo and his colleagues are working to make our democracy more deliberative and representative — to the benefit of constituents and lawmakers alike. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic,…

The Office of Research recently announced its third and final round of funding as part of its COVID-19 Seed Funding Program aimed at addressing critical health and community problems related to…

View all 2020 High Points > 

Every night when Elisabeth Root comes home, her daughter asks what she did that day.

“I’ll say, ‘Well, I told the governor this,’ or, ‘I got to…

When day-to-day life first ground to a halt in the face of the coronavirus, Jordan Davis, director of Smart Columbus and co-organizer of Can’t Stop Columbus, felt like she couldn’t help enough by…

Alex McCarthy (second from left) with health officials and first responders during a FEMA training exercise on local…

Distinguished University Professor of anthropology Clark Larsen was awarded the 2019 Cozzarelli Prize from the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), an honor given to…