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Students and alumni in the College of Arts and Sciences are no strangers to receiving awards and recognition. Among the college’s most recent award winners, fourth-year student Anna Voelker has…

Do doctors and other healthcare professionals have a right to refuse to perform certain medical procedures or to treat certain patients based on their religious or moral beliefs? Should so-called…

Happy Valentine's Day! There are so many ways we experience #BuckeyeLove in the College of Arts and Sciences. Just take a look at our tens of thousands of students, faculty, staff, alumni and…

Ashleigh Maxcey, a visiting associate professor in the Department of Psychology, has co-authored 15 peer-review publications and penned an additional eight more on her own, but she still…

View all 2018 High Points > 

Not many can say they’ve found their dream job at such a young age, but Angela Hatke (BA, communication, 2007) may be the exception. In 2015, she…

In the Arts and Sciences, 2017 was filled with extraordinary accomplishments, leading-edge teaching and research, and impactful philanthropy. Join us in reflecting upon the year’s high…

Six online courses from The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences were named on Apple's "Off the Charts 2017" list of most popular courses on iTunes U:

Branding, Content and…

Christopher F. Gelpi, professor in the Department of Political Science, has been named director of the Mershon Center for International Security Studies at The Ohio State University, effective Jan…

In 2016, Hollie Nyseth Brehm received both the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award and the Ohio State Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching. In 2015, she received the…