

rattlesnake in brush

Genomic analysis in snakes shows link between neutral, functional genetic diversity

In the world of threatened and endangered species conservation, the genomic revolution has raised some complicated questions: How can scientists justify assessing species genetic diversity without…


Sports and Society Initiative offers real-world experience for students in sports, explores intersections with society

By James Grega

The Ohio State University and sports are almost synonymous with one another.

Which is why in 2017, Janet Box-Steffensmeier, then dean of social and behavioral sciences in the College of…

Satellite dish and satellite in front of a sunset

Physicists demonstrate powerful physics phenomenon

In a new breakthrough, researchers have used a novel technique to confirm a previously undetected physics phenomenon that could be used to improve data storage in the next generation of…

aerial view of the Newark Earthworks

Newark Earthworks earn UNESCO World Heritage designation

When Elizabeth Weiser came to Newark to interview for a job at The Ohio State University’s regional campus, she was offered a tour of local neighborhoods and schools. She declined both…

Wayne Schlingman

Community Connectors: Wayne Schlingman

Community Connectors is a monthly series highlighting Ohio State staff members who have shown leadership in partnering with our communities to make an impact.

Wayne Schlingman is the…


How to protect self-esteem when a career goal dies

Many people fail at achieving their early career dreams. But a new study suggests that those failures don’t have to harm your self-esteem if you think about them in the right way.

beam line end station

Ohio State’s Agostini wins Nobel Prize in Physics

Pierre Agostini, professor emeritus of physics at The Ohio State University, has been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics with two of his colleagues.

a man looks at a computer screen

ACCAD: Where art and tech meet to help people

This research center and Nationwide Children’s Hospital are working together to create virtual reality training that will help staff calm patients.