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CEM Accepting Proposals for New Interdisciplinary Research Groups

November 15, 2012

CEM Accepting Proposals for New Interdisciplinary Research Groups

CEM MRSEC Renewal: Generating Interdisciplinary Research Groups

The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), an NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), has completed four years of its six year term, and is looking to identify and build new Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRGs) for its renewal proposal in 2014.

A challenging aspect of this process is forming teams that meet MRSEC expectations: researchers collaborating to conduct cutting-edge research of such scale and complexity that it can only be accomplished in a center environment. To overcome this challenge, the CEM is holding meetings for newly proposed IRGs to present project outlines to the materials community. The goals of these meetings are to help teams identify and recruit key team members; to provide feedback on the proposed project goals, scientific approach and team composition; and to make IRGs more competitive for the MRSEC program.

Presentations are held during ENCOMM meetings on Wednesday afternoons from 4:15-5:15 in the Physics Research Building, room 4138. These meetings will run through the end of the calendar year. Proposals to be one of the IRGs that comprise the eventual NSF proposal will be due to the CEM on January 4, 2013

Contact: Stephanie Arend or Rachel Page
Read more: http://cem.osu.edu/research/cem-renewal-proposal-identifying-interdisciplinary-research-group

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