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January and February Staff Winners: Above and Beyond Buckeye Prize

March 31, 2015

January and February Staff Winners: Above and Beyond Buckeye Prize

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Kevin Dill, manager, materials management office, chemistry and biochemistry, is the winner of the January “Above and Beyond Buckeye” award. Dill was nominated by Chemistry Chair and Professor, Susan Olesik. Sarah Hughes, former student services coordinator, communication, is the winner of February’s “Above and Beyond Buckeye” award. Hughes was nominated by Courtney Anderegg and other communication graduate teaching associates.

Kevin Dill has been with the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry since 1987 and is considered a valuable member of the administrative team. He oversees five of the department's six buildings which includes renovation activities, coordinating building functions, services and custodial needs, managing office supplies, handling equipment inventory, shipping and receiving, and fielding requests from faculty, staff and students. Given that departmental personnel reside in many buildings, logistics and service are always a challenge.

Kevin Dill

According to Olesik, Dill “manages the day-to-day activities and needs of the buildings, deliveries and the constant flow of issues with professionalism and efficiency. He has worked tirelessly to make the department expansion and move into the new CBEC Building as smooth and efficient as possible. We are grateful for all of his efforts to make the opening of the new CBEC building as easy as possible.”

Sarah Hughes recently accepted a new position as director of advising, Newark campus. She has been at Ohio State 12 years; nine as a staff member. She came to Ohio State as a graduate student and taught as a TA and lecturer before joining the university’s staff.

“This award was such a wonderful way to cap my time in communication,” said Hughes. “It was really overwhelming and I sincerely appreciated the students’ nomination.”

In her capacity as student services coordinator in communication, Hughes served as the graduate program coordinator and managed the undergraduate advising program.  She also worked closely with faculty and staff on curricular and policy issues.

According to Hughes’ nominator, Hughes often went above and beyond her job title to extend a helping hand in certain situations that graduate students encountered in the classroom, their personal lives and jobs.

“Sarah's continued support was above and beyond her position,” said one nominator. “In many instances, she patiently spent time to help guide graduate students through graduate school and in understanding the rules in order to graduate while still maintaining a balance. She is very deserving of this award.”

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