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Henri Cole, Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor of English, is the sixth winner of the Jackson Poetry Prize by Poets & Writers, Inc. The $50,000 prize is presented annually to honor an…

Pat Flowers, professor of music education, has been recognized by the National Association for Music Education with the Senior Researcher Award - a lifetime achievement award for distinguished…

Johnny Greco, a junior majoring in physics and astronomy, has been named a 2012 Goldwater Scholar, the highest award for an undergraduate researcher in science, math, or engineering. The Goldwater…

Four arts and sciences undergraduates have been awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships, and nine arts and sciences students received Honorable Mentions.


Geoffrey Parker, Distinguished University Professor, Andreas Dorpalen Professor of History, and Associate of Ohio State’s Mershon Center for International Security Studies; has been awarded the…

Professor Tin-Lun (Jason) Ho, professor of physics, received a 2012 Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics for “Fundamental Issues in Degenerate Quantum Gases.”

The Fellowship will extend…

Barbara Keyfitz, professor of mathematics, will receive the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) award for service to the profession at their next annual meeting.


Mathematician Matthew Kahle Ohio's Sole Sloan Fellow

Mathematician Matthew Kahle has just received one of the best career boosts that can be given to an outstanding young scientist or…

Peter Mansoor, the General Raymond E. Mason, Jr. Chair of Military History, was one of 13 Symposium Fellows invited to attend and participate in the Symposium on Statecraft and the Armed Forces,…