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A first-of-its-kind study examined 2.2 million news stories shared on Facebook and found that publishers create two very different news environments.

These distinct ecosystems involve low-…

StormImpact, a startup originating from The Ohio State University and co-founded by Stephen Quiring in the Department of Geography, has the capability to decrease the consequences and occurrence…

As a result of the public’s interest in a video on gun safety shown to reduce children's likelihood to touch, play with or fire a gun, Ohio State has published the video on the Ohio State…

As the next generation of giant, high-powered observatories begin to come online, a new study suggests that their instruments may offer scientists an unparalleled opportunity to discern what…

When people who publicly reject COVID-19 vaccines later die from the disease, observers have complex reactions to their fates, a new study from Matthew Grizzard, associate professor of …

One of the easiest things about experiencing anger is finding a colorful word or phrase to describe it: Steaming. Fuming and fired up and furious. Pissed off. Ready to flip your lid. Livid.

As global temperatures rise, fires are spreading farther north and into the Arctic. These fires aren’t just burning in trees and grasses. New research on the exceptional Arctic fire…

Astronomers have found evidence that some stars boast unexpectedly strong surface magnetic fields, a discovery that challenges current models of how they evolve. The research was made…

A study at The Ohio State University may be the first to randomly assign some children to watch a gun safety video to determine if it had a protective effect, said Brad Bushman, co-author of…