

An artist's impression of the gas giant exoplanet, HR 8799 c, based on scientific data on the HR 8799 solar system. Illustration courtesy Adam Makarenko/Keck Observatory

Astronomy professor's research advances technology looking for signs of alien life

Thousands of exoplanets have been detected so far. Each has its own unique characteristics.

Assistant Professor of Astronomy Ji Wang’s goal is to study the traits of those exoplanets, or…

The skeletal remains of an individual from a site in Chile.

Hubbe's research on skeletons reveals ancient population exchanges between North and South America

By extracting and studying the DNA of ancient skeletal remains — some as old as 11,000 years — an international team of researchers has uncovered significant evidence of genetic exchanges…

Wow! signal

Did Ohio State really detect an alien signal?

View all 2018 High Points > 

Humans have long scanned the vastness of space in search of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Though the pursuit of aliens has largely come up…

Marcus Kurtz

Marcus Kurtz named director of Undergraduate International Studies Program

Marcus Kurtz, professor of political science, has been named director of the Undergraduate International Studies Program (UISP), effective Jan. 1, 2019.

Kurtz received both his MA and his…

CK Vulpeculae, an hourglass-shaped cloud that formed after a brown dwarf and a white dwarf collided in 1670. Image courtesy ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/S. P. S. Eyres

Ohio State astronomer helps detect historical stellar merger event

Nearly 350 years ago, a bright speck of light appeared in the night sky just below the constellation Cygnus.

Observers at the time thought what they saw was a nova — an event between…

From left: Zachary Van Aernum, Sophie Harvey, Vicki Wysocki, Florian Busch, Benjamin Jones, Erin Panczyk

Wysocki lab making huge advances in protein characterization

Our bodies couldn’t function without proteins, yet scientists still have much to understand about how they’re structured.

That’s because proteins — especially protein complexes made of…

Jennifer Cheavens

Q&A faculty spotlight: Jennifer Cheavens

When graduate and undergraduate students talk about Jennifer S. Cheavens, the words “best” and “favorite” come up often in reference to her teaching style and courses and to Cheavens as a…

Kunimoto headshot

Q&A faculty spotlight: Namiko Kunimoto

When Namiko Kunimoto joined Ohio State’s faculty in 2013, there were no Japanese art courses, and History of Photography had not been offered for many years. To remedy this required her…

David Steigerwald

Q&A faculty spotlight: David Steigerwald

History Professor David Steigerwald teaches courses in 20th Century America, ranging from WWI through the 1960s and is the director of the department's World War II Study Abroad…