

Photo of Edward Behrman

Biochemistry Professor's Award Supports Undergraduate Research

Edward Behrman, professor emeritus, chemistry and biochemistry, may have emeritus status, but he is still doing high-impact research in his eighth-floor Biosciences lab every day.

Behrman is…

Photo of chemist David Nagib

Chemist’s New NIH MIRA Grant a Game-Changer for Drug Discovery

David Nagib, assistant professor, chemistry and biochemistry, just received a significant award that encourages promising new and early stage investigators to tackle ambitious, far-reaching…

paper test

On-Demand Diagnosis: Cancer Test Strip Poised to Change Lives

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The question on the table is: What if testing yourself for…

Comic Book Space Villan

Science v. Comic Book Science: Local Experts Panel Sorts It Out

Paul Sutter, Ohio State astrophysicist, COSI chief scientist, and master of making science accessible and fun, led a panel of local experts taking on the science behind our favorite comics and…

photo of ES Assistant Professor Audrey Sawyer in the field

Earth Scientist’s Work on Coastal Water Problems Is Making Waves

When Audrey Sawyer, assistant professor, Earth sciences, is presented with her field’s top award in late September, it won’t be the first — or last — time her contributions to her field are…

Dongping Zhong

Dongping Zhong Awarded $2.1 Million NIH MIRA Pilot Program Grant

Dongping Zhong, the Robert Smith Professor of Physics, and professor of chemistry and biochemistry, is one of an elite group of the nation’s top researchers just awarded a Maximizing Investigators…

Abraham K. Badu‐Tawiah

Chemist's DOE Early Career Award Funds Critical Energy Research

Chemistry and Biochemistry Assistant Professor Abraham K. Badu‐Tawiah’s Early Career Award from the Department of Energy’s Office of Science puts him in an elite group of the nation’s top…

Simulated image from a proposed high-definition telescope

Look Up: Development of Concepts for NASA’s Next Flagship Telescope Begins; Two Ohio State Astronomers Lead Studies

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View all 2016 High Points

While few of us think as far ahead as the 2030s, NASA clearly must.…

Ohio State Seal

Eleven ASC Scholars and Teachers Receive 2016 Distinguished OAA Awards

Eleven Arts and Sciences scholars and teachers — covering the diverse range of disciplines in arts and humanities, natural and physical sciences and social and behavioral sciences — won top…