

Astronomy Supernova

Astronomers May Have Discovered the Most Powerful Supernova

An international team of astronomers including Professors Krzysztof Stanek, Christopher Kochanek and Todd Thompson in Ohio State's Department of Astronomy may have discovered the largest…

talking heads graphic

New Career-Prep Tool Available to ASC Students

As 2016 kicks into gear, it’s time to nail down that summer internship, start job searching, or develop career readiness more broadly. Now, Arts and Sciences students have a central platform to…

In Memoriam: Chemistry Professor Malcolm H. Chisholm

Malcolm H. Chisholm, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Distinguished University Professor, a Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry and an elected member of the National Academy of…

Corey Wallace; co-PI Rebecca Barnes; and Sawyer (middle), in a canoe during their first field season this past August.

NSF Grant Funds Nitrogen Cycle Impacts on Tidal Freshwater Zones

Audrey Sawyer, assistant professor, Earth sciences; and Rebecca Barnes, assistant professor, environmental science, Colorado College; began work on their three-year collaboration, “Dueling hot…

Robert Baker

Chemist Receives DOE Early Career Award: Ohio State’s First

Robert Baker, assistant professor, chemistry and biochemistry; is one of 50 outstanding young researchers from around the country — and Ohio State’s first — receiving 2015 Department of Energy…

Jyoti Katoch

Ohio State Physics Creates Welcoming Climate for Women

Physics postdoctoral researcher Jyoti Katoch documents the specific ways Ohio State’s Department of Physics has been working to create a welcoming, supportive atmosphere to build the numbers…

Louis DiMauro

Ohio State Physicist Leads Five-Year, Six Institution $12.5 M DoD, MURI Collaboration

A Department of Defense Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) award will support work at Ohio State and five other universities to study interactions of intense, ultrafast mid-…

Anne Co

Chemist Receives New, Five-year $651,729 NSF CAREER Award

Anne Co’s new, five-year $651,729 NSF CAREER Award for “Control of surface reactivity for catalyzing hydrocarbon formation from CO₂," will allow her to expand her research on advanced…

Susan Olesik

Ohio State’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry National Leader in Diversity Hiring

According to the latest diversity rankings for the nation’s chemistry departments released by Chemical and Engineering News on May 18, 2015, Ohio State’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry…