

Audiology students in Washington DC

Back to Capitol Hill for Ohio State Student Academy of Audiology

Story written by Molly Krygowski

The Ohio State University chapter of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) descended upon Capitol Hill, May 28-31, to lobby on behalf of audiology issues.…

Lisa Lopez

First Graduate in Women's Studies Helps Celebrate WGSS 40th Anniversary

Lisa Lopez was the first undergraduate at Ohio State to major in women’s studies. She graduated with a BA in 1976. 

In April 2015, Lopez returned to campus to meet with students and…

Charles Emery

Psychology Professor Identifies Strong Predictors of Obesity

Charles Emery, professor of psychology, is lead author of a new study identifying two strong predictors of obesity: having low self-esteem related to one’s weight and keeping food visibly…

Psychology Professor and Colleagues Publish Largest Behavioral Treatment Study Ever Done in the Field of Autism

Luc Lecavalier, professor, psychology and psychiatry, is part of a team of research scientists who have published…


Why Children Differ in Motivation to Learn – It Could Be in the Genes

New research from Stephen Petrill, professor of psychology, suggests that genes may play a large role in why some kids feel unmotivated to learn at school.

The research, published online…

Scott McGraw

Chocolate is Driving Monkeys to Extinction

.monkey { background-color:#666666; } .dailypost {background-color:#000; padding:30px;color:#fff;font-family:"capita";font-size: 1.25em;font-weight: 400;} .clicktotweet {float: right; text-align:…

More Medicine Doesn’t Necessarily Make Us Feel Better

Hui Zheng, assistant professor, sociology, is author of a new study finding that 25 years of expansion of the…

Brad Bushman

Too Much Praise Can Turn Your Kids into Narcissists

Brad Bushman, professor, communication, is co-author of a study finding a direct correlation between parents who overvalue their children and children who are narcissistic. The study, published…


Online Bullying: How to Help the Victim

, doctoral student in communication, is lead author of a new study showing that most people would probably not…