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Professor Lou DiMauro, who oversees the day-to-day for the research group he and laureate Pierre Agostini lead, invites you to peek inside. Watch out for the lasers. 

By Z. Daniel Barnett

The pilot year of Creatives @ the Barnett launched earlier this semester, and already, the 12 students and six faculty mentors involved are hard at work creating interdisciplinary artwork that…

By Z. Daniel Barnett

The first year of Creatives @ the Barnett is underway. At the heart of the program are the lessons that its six faculty and staff members have already begun to impart on the 12 student creatives…

The slash-and-burn agriculture practiced by many Indigenous societies across the world can actually have a positive impact on forests, according to a new study done in Belize.


In the first study to examine ice cores from the summit of the highest tropical mountain in the world, new evidence provides unique insight into the climate record of the Amazon Basin…

For podcast listeners in the United States, true crime is wildly popular. According to the Pew Research Center, 41% of listeners ages 18-29 listen to the genre. Pew also reported that it is the…

A surprising thing happened when researchers began exploring whether early-life stress compounds the effects of a childhood head injury on health and behavior later in life: In an animal study,…

When third-year journalism major Tyler Danburg puts on a headset, his focus is on the sporting event in front of him — the one he’s broadcasting.  

Whether it be play-by-…

Hormonal contraceptives taken by adolescents may influence development of the brain in a way that alters the recognition of risks, a new study in rats suggests.

Scientists at The Ohio…