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Recently, nights have gotten a little longer for Bruce Weinberg.

“I feel like — if it’s getting a little bit late at night and I’m tired and teetering on the edge of turning in or putting…

An eroded rice field alongside a river in Bangladesh. 

In some regions, climate change is seen as a concern for future…

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Climate change is often depicted with broad, faraway examples: glaciers melting and 70-degree days in the Arctic, endangered species dwindling in Asia…

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine started the process of re-opening Ohio's economy May 1.

As Gov. Mike DeWine starts reopening Ohio’s economy, one…

Hurricane Maria approaching Puerto Rico on September 19, 2017. Image by Tim Loomis, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellites…

Michael Neblo and his colleagues are working to make our democracy more deliberative and representative — to the benefit of constituents and lawmakers alike. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic,…

The Office of Research recently announced its third and final round of funding as part of its COVID-19 Seed Funding Program aimed at addressing critical health and community problems related to…

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Every night when Elisabeth Root comes home, her daughter asks what she did that day.

“I’ll say, ‘Well, I told the governor this,’ or, ‘I got to…

Three Arts and Sciences students, juniors Emily Osborne, Eitan Rothberg and Sarthak Shah, have been named 2020 Goldwater Scholars, the most prestigious national award for…