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Ashleigh Maxcey, a visiting associate professor in the Department of Psychology, has co-authored 15 peer-review publications and penned an additional eight more on her own, but she still…

It is no secret that achieving diversity is an ongoing challenge in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields. Since 1987, the National Science Foundation has sponsored…

Steffen Lindert, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and faculty member under the university’s Translational Data Analytics Discovery Theme, has received a five-…

View all 2018 High Points > 

With their unique structures and breathtaking colors, coral reefs are one of the world’s most inspiring and appreciated natural wonders. They’re also…

PhD student in the School of Earth Sciences Melisa Diaz spent her winter break in Antarctica studying how ecosystems respond to changes in climate. Last year, after graduating with her…

In the Arts and Sciences, 2017 was filled with extraordinary accomplishments, leading-edge teaching and research, and impactful philanthropy. Join us in reflecting upon the year’s high…

Researchers from The Ohio State University are studying the oldest ice core ever drilled outside of the North and South Poles, thanks to an international collaboration co-led by Lonnie Thompson,…

Fourth-year microbiology major Adam Bercz knows the power of initiative. It led him to conduct research in Ohio State’s veterinary bioscience lab, become a peer mentor and take on the role of an…

Mimi Lamantia, who earned a BFA in dance in May 2016, is featured in a new public service announcement (PSA) that will air on television during October Buckeye football games, and will be shown on…