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A new five-year, $1.72 million Research Training Group (RTG) grant from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences expands possibilities for an…

Edward Behrman, professor emeritus, chemistry and biochemistry, may have emeritus status, but he is still doing high-impact research in his eighth-floor Biosciences lab every day.

Behrman is…

David Nagib, assistant professor, chemistry and biochemistry, just received a significant award that encourages promising new and early stage investigators to tackle ambitious, far-reaching…

The College of Arts and Sciences has launched a new Environmental Humanities Program, funded by an Arts and Humanities Divisional Grant and Ohio State's Humanities and the Arts Discovery Theme.…

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The question on the table is: What if testing yourself for…

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The Henry Luce Foundation has awarded a two-year, $200,000 grant to…

Sanjeevi Krishnan has been at Ohio State just one year and already his research is attracting attention — and funding. His new three-year, $509,998 grant from the Air Force Office of Science…

When Audrey Sawyer, assistant professor, Earth sciences, is presented with her field’s top award in late September, it won’t be the first — or last — time her contributions to her field are…

Ariel Cohen (BS, atmospheric sciences, 2006) is exactly where he’s always wanted to be — at NOAA’s National Weather Service’s (NWS) Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma — doing exactly…