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The theme of the 4th annual TEDxOhioStateUniversity event, held Feb. 14, 2015, was “The Human Narrative.” The event talks covered stories, ideas and topics that make up our collective story as…

When given a chance at direct persuasion, most politicians are surprisingly good at changing our minds

Michael Neblo, associate professor, political…

Brad Bushman, professor, communication, is co-author of a study finding a direct correlation between parents who overvalue their children and children who are narcissistic. The study, published…

Kelly Dillon, doctoral student in communication, is lead author of a new study showing that most people would probably not intervene directly to stop…

Vladimir Kogan and Zachary Peskowitz, assistant professors, Department of Political Science, along with Stéphane Lavertu, assistant professor, John Glenn School of Public Affairs, are authors of a…

The Ohio State Center for Ethics and Human Values (CEHV) has developed a biennial series of events called Conversations on Morality, Politics, and Society (COMPAS). The aim of the COMPAS program…

Monique Mills, assistant professor, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, is the author of a new study, “Narrative Performance of Gifted African American School-Aged Children From Low-Income…

Kent Schwirian, professor of sociology, is coauthor of a new study suggesting that for some people, the resistance to vaccinations may be rooted in a mistrust of the government.


Last week’s CBEC Open House for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (CBC), the William G. Lowrie Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) and Koffolt Labs community was a…