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On May 31, 2013, a 2.6 mile-wide tornado careened across the landscape near El Reno, Oklahoma…

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It’s best to view a topic as expansive and nuanced as HIV through multiple lenses.

The course HIV: From Microbiology to Macrohistory does just…

It’s been a summer full of open skies and broadening horizons, especially for the hundreds of Arts and Sciences students who spent their breaks interning, conducting research and studying abroad.…

A group of astronomy and physics students recently got a firsthand look at the Green Bank Telescope, the world’s largest steerable radio telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia.


PhD student in the School of Earth Sciences Melisa Diaz spent her winter break in Antarctica studying how ecosystems respond to changes in climate. Last year, after graduating with her…

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Not many can say they’ve found their dream job at such a young age, but Angela Hatke (BA, communication, 2007) may be the exception. In 2015, she…

In the Arts and Sciences, 2017 was filled with extraordinary accomplishments, leading-edge teaching and research, and impactful philanthropy. Join us in reflecting upon the year’s high…

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences have a knack for aligning their passions with internship and career opportunities. William Kosileski, who graduated in December 2016 with a BA in…

“I have always strived to get to the highest level,” Harvey said.

Eleanor made history at the Rio Olympics when she defeated world No. 1…